
Vratsa can be reached by train, bus or car.

By train
By train

The main railway station connects the city with the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, and also with the cities of Vidin, Lom, and Mezdra. The train frequency is acceptable. An express first-class-only train runs once a day from Plovdiv via Sofia and back.

By bus
By bus

The omnibus station is located near the railway station. Busses connect Vratza directly with Sofia, Vidin, Kozloduy, Lom, Oriahovo, and many other cities. Nearby villages are also connected via bus links. The bus frequency to and from Sofia is very good, from early morning to the late afternoon. In summer, there are also bus lines to some Black Sea resorts. There are also busses to Spain and Portugal, but not as often as the inter-Bulgaria connections.

By plane
By plane

There is no regional or international airport in Vratsa. The nearest civil/international airport of entry is located in Sofia SOF/LBSF.

By ship
By ship

There is no boat transportation to Vratsa. The nearest ports are in Oryahovo and Kozlodui Danube river

By car
By car

Vratsa is situated on the international E-79 route, and thus easily accessed from Vidin 2 hours, Sofia 1.5-2 hours, etc. Road signs are mostly written in both cyrillic and latin.